We are Olivine School

We use Christian principles in character building of our Students. Our integrated curriculum purpose to equip our learners to fit into the technology revolution by ensuring our programs captures each and every child by transforming one child, one mind at a time. Offering the Early Years Programme (Kindergarten, PP1, PP2, Grades 1,2 & 3), Middle Years Programme (Grades 4,5 & 6), and Junior School Programme (Grades 7,8 & 9) of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC). Fully accredited by the Ministry of Education. Olivine School is a member of the Association of Christian School International (ACSI) and the Kenya Private School Association (KPSA).
Olivine School is based on Christian principles in character building of our students. Our integrated curriculum purpose to equip our learners to fit into the technological revolution by ensuring our programs capture each and every child transforming one child, one mind at at a time. We believe in offering international standards in our programs to our students while making them affordable as possible.
Our Vision

Every Child is a pinnacle of God's Creation.

Our Mission

To offer value innovation and quality services in the educational sector.

Our Core Values

» Spirituality » Honesty » Openness » Passion » Honor » Authenticity » Relationships

About Olivine School
About Olivine School
About Olivine School
About Olivine School

Our statement of Faith at Olivine school

…but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good , and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”. Roman 12:2

Metanoia Teshuvah of Mind

  • Metanoia: Greek word that generally means “changing your mind” (in the noun form) or “thinking differently” (in the verb form).
  • Teshuvah: The Hebrew word accurately understood as turning to God in response to His call.

Transformation of  the Mind

Our Philosophy

We incorporate Christian values and principles in raising a holistic learner.

Our aim in every classroom is to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment with challenges and expectations appropriate to the complex world our students will inhabit. We focus on the development of each student’s skills, sense of logic, and general academic and social discipline. Most importantly, we aim to foster a lasting love of learning that will extend outside the school curriculum, and beyond the student’s years at Olivine School.

Olivine School

Our students are inheriting a world in which the discovery, assimilation, understanding and management of information undreamed of today will be vital to them. Our goal, accordingly, is to reach beyond a competence-oriented curriculum and to also provide students with the academic skills and intellectual confidence to apply knowledge to thoroughly new problems and situations.


Curriculum Framework

Olivine School (OS) content standards were chosen to serve the learning community, offering the National Curriculum from Kindergarten, Middle to Junior school.  The CBC (Competency Based Curriculum 2-6-3-3) curriculum is used at OS from Early Years to Grade 3 and focuses on the development of the whole child competences, both in the classroom and in the world outside. The Middle Years curriculum is offered in grades 4- 6 and Junior Years curriculum is offered in grade 7-9.

  • 1

    Comprising of Kindergarten,
    Pre-Primary 1 and 2 (PP1 - PP2),

  • 2
    Lower Primary

    Grades 1, 2, and 3. Progression to the next
    level based assessments evaluations.

  • 3
    Upper Primary

    Grades 4, 5, and 6, learners are assessed by
    KNEC at the 6th for Junior School.

  • 4
    Junior School

    Comprising of Grades 7, 8 and 9.

Learn More

Policies and Procedures

Olivine School (OS) handbooks and policy documents as tools to support the OS School community and students. Containing information and procedures aimed at making the school a safe, friendly, and enriching place for students to learn. It is also to help acquaint you with the OS, curriculum, philosophy, structure, and to highlight some of the systems and procedures that are unique to the school.

Olivine School Parent-Student Handbook
Olivine School Code of Conduct.
Olivine School Policies and Procedures

Download the Comprehensive 2024 – 25 School Brochure


School Governance

Olivine School (OS) is overseen by a Family Board. The self-perpetuating, “corporate
governance” model used at OS has been supported for many years by the Association of Family Business Enterprises. The Board of Management and the Parents Council assist in the management of the school and act as advisory
board when and where needed.

Dr Olive Tindika, Mrs (PhD)
Dr Olive Tindika, Mrs (PhD)
Founder and CEO.

Dr Olive is the founder and director at Olivine school, she is also a Biblical Habitual Entrepreneur, a former teacher at Loreto Convent (Mombasa), a part time lecturer of entrepreneurship at KEMU (Kenya Methodist University), a consultant at Olive Consult with diverse experience in Edupreneur Leadership and management. She holds a Degree, Masters and PhD in Business Management and Entrepreneurship, P1 certificate, Biblical Entrepreneurship Ccertificate and ABE diploma.

Randolph Mutua Tindika
Randolph Mutua Tindika
Director and Chairman

Randolph Mutua Tindika is a director and chairman at Olivine school. Biblical Entrepreneur, an advocate of the high court of Kenya with a passion for education and a director at Olivine School.

He has diverse experience on leadership and management. He holds a degree and diploma in Law, is a certified Public Secretary (CPSK), and a SALT (Social Action, Leadership, and Transformation) certificate in leadership.

Beach Road – Nyali, Mombasa

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+254 712 038 818

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Our Open Hours

Mon-Fri8.00am - 5.00pm

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