Curriculum Framework

The CBC (Competency Based Curriculum 2-6-3-3) curriculum is used at OS from Early Years to Grade 9 and focuses on the development of the whole child competences, both in the classroom and in the world outside. We use the British Jolly phonics and Jolly grammar literacy curriculum from Crèche to Grade 9.​
  • 1

    Comprising of Kindergarten,
    Pre-Primary 1 and 2 (PP1 - PP2).

  • 2
    Lower Primary

    Grades 1, 2, and 3. Progression to the
    next level based assessments evaluations.

  • 3
    Upper Primary

    Grades 4, 5, and 6, learners are assessed
    by KNEC at the 6th for Junior School.

  • 4
    Junior School

    Comprising of Grades 7, 8 and 9.


Literacy is the backbone of all core subjects, we ensure we incorporate all literacy components to align to the Kenyan Competence Based Curriculum (CBC). We use the British Jolly phonics and Jolly grammar literacy curriculum from Crèche to Grade 9.
Olivine - Phonological and Phonemic

Phonological and Phonemic Awareness with the British Jolly Phonics curriculum

Our phonics programme for teaching students’ sounds, blends, speech in English is used throughout the school academic year.

Olivine - Individualized Learning support (ILS)

Individualized Learning support (ILS)

Our ILS ensure a struggling student is assisted in the area of weakness, be it dyslexia, dyscalculia or dysgraphia by offering support. We use the Jolly phonics extra talking pen program for struggling readers.

Olivine - Guided Reading Program

Guided Reading Program

Twice per week, students receive instructions in reading and comprehension using Guided Reading Programme. We use the Jolly Readers, Harcourt Readers, Oxford Tree readers, Lady Birds Readers and Janet and John Readers.

Olivine - Literacy Center

Literacy Center

Our literacy center with different literacy activities including: grammar, word work, computer based learning. We also have a library filled with age appropriate books.

Olivine - Handwriting


We incorporate activities that strengthen fine motor muscles, teach handwriting through mediums, exposing them to letter play, encouraging correct pencil grip. The 4ps of handwriting:
Grasp - Formation - Legibility - Pacing.

Olivine Reading - Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)

Reading - Drop Everything And Read (DEAR)

Each school day, we run on a rolling rota, DEAR giving every learner 15-minutes to just sit and read, in a quiet, calm environment conducive to reading. Through DEAR, reading becomes a habitual and consistent act.

Olivine - Grammar and Spelling

Grammar and Spelling

We use the Jolly Phonics grammar books and spelling programme from kindergarten to Grade 6.

Olivine - Writers Workshop

Writers Workshop

We incorporate writer’s workshop lesson focused on building students skills in independent writing where they share their writing with others.


Mathematics and Numeracy are fundamental in the Olivine School academic model.
Olivine - Cognitively Guided Instruction

Cognitively Guided Instruction

This approach allows students to solve word problems using a strategy of their choice, then explain their thinking to the class thus building problem solving skills and critical thinking.

Cognitively Guided Instruction

Maths Center

We ensure students use blended computer programs in the digital lab, engaging in independent math's practice. Structured and progressive learning pathways equipping students with the most effective way to develop mathematical knowledge.

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